Friday, March 25, 2016

What is Interceptive Orthodontic Care?

Interceptive orthodontic care is one of the most rewarding treatment options that we offer to our patients. Interceptive care is exactly that, intercepting a problem before it gets out of hand. Treatment occurs at a younger age than conventional orthodontic care and is not typically as long either.

The idea is to shift teeth, manipulate growth, create space for unerupted teeth, break habits and prevent trauma before it is too late. Children between the ages of 7 and 10 are best suited for this sort of treatment. Treatment usually lasts 6 to 15 months after which the child is monitored and the decision as to the need for a second phase is made. Most children will require a second, more comprehensive, phase of treatment in order to create a completely stable, functional and esthetic occlusion.

The primary reasons for considering interceptive care are as follows:
  • To prevent improper growth of the jaws that may be causing an underbite, an overbite, crossbite or shifting bite.
  • To eliminate a destructive habit such as thumb/finger sucking or tongue thrusting.
  • To reposition one or more teeth that are occluding in such a way that they are damaging the enamel of other teeth.
  • To prevent trauma to teeth that are too far forward. This is especially true of the athletically inclined.
  • To reposition teeth that are cosmetically poor and the risk of peer ridicule and low self-esteem.
  • Interceptive care allows us to treat the patient most successfully: the best smile, facial profile and the most stable final result.
For more information on Interceptive Orthodontic Care, or to schedule a consultation, please contact us at Spannhake Orthodontics  located in Westminster and Towson for your convenience. 

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