Thursday, March 31, 2016

Do You Know What Is In Your Mouth?

With so many new patients starting orthodontic treatment at Spannhake Orthodontics, we thought we would give a little refresher course on the parts that make up braces. Do you know what is in your mouth? With so many different parts that make up braces, it can get a little confusing for most patients to know the different parts and their functions.

Keep reading to learn about 5 orthodontic appliances and how they help you achieve that picture perfect smile.


Elastics or rubber bands help move the upper and lower teeth relative to each other, ultimately achieving a better bite. These orthodontic rubber bands are typically effective for correcting overbites, underbites, or other types of alignments of the jaw. They are also useful for moving a tooth out of alignment or to close a space in the mouth.
Fixed Retainers
Fixed retainers consist of a metal wire bonded to the back of the teeth. Fixed retainers can stay in place indefinitely.

A forsus appliance is used to correct a class II bite by pushing the lower teeth forward and the upper teeth backward. Unlike rubber bands, this appliance is not removable.

A removable appliance worn to restrict growth of the upper jaw and improve overjet problems. It normally consists of a facebow that attaches to the teeth and a strap that fits around the neck or head.

Dr. Spannhake wants to make sure you are completely aware of the appliances we use in order to give you a straight smile. We hope you have a good understanding of what is in your mouth, but should you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask us at your next appointment. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this informative post with us. This was explained in great detail so people know what they have in their mouth that is helping with their dental health. Have a great rest of your day.
    Dentist Center City Philadelphia
